L/S-band modem to send and receive UDP frames over wireless, satellite or cable. BPSK/QPSK modulation with coherent demodulation Nominal frequency of...
$1,250.00... more info
L/S-band modem connect two IP networks over wireless, satellite or cable DSSS link. Direct-Sequence Spread-Spectrum (DSSS) modulation. Programmable...
$1,250.00... more info
L/S-band modem to send and receive short UDP frames over wireless, satellite or cable. Direct-Sequence Spread-Spectrum (DSSS) modulation Nominal...
$1,250.00... more info
L/S-band modem to two IP networks over wireless, satellite or cable. BPSK/QPSK/OQPSK modulation. Programmable symbol rate, up to 40 MSymbols/s...
$995.00... more info
L/S-band CPM transceiver modulation: MSK, GMSK (BT = 0.7,0.5,0.3 and 0.25),FSK, GFSK,PCM/FM,SOQPSK-MIL, SOQPSK-TG. Programmable symbol rate, up to...
$995.00... more info
L/S-band CPM transceiver + IP router modulation: MSK, GMSK (BT = 0.7,0.5,0.3 and 0.25),FSK, GFSK,PCM/FM,SOQPSK-MIL, SOQPSK-TG. Programmable symbol...
$995.00... more info