COM-1510SOFT Block mode convolutional FEC codec, VHDL source/IP

  • Model: COM-1510SOFT


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Block mode convolutional FEC codec, VHDL Source / IP Core

Convolutional FEC codec, including encoder and Viterbi block decoder
This codec operates in block mode, whereby a finite length frame is encoded and decoded. The error correction configuration (K, rate, polynomials, puncturing) can be changed dynamically on a frame-by-frame basis
The code can be configured for either high speed (1 encoded bit per clock period) or small footprint
When configured in parallel mode, the maximum throughput is typically in the range 100 – 250 Mbits/s depending on the FPGA technology
Flexible dynamic (i.e. at runtime) user-selected configuration:

Constraint length K=5,6,7,9
Number of parity bits 2 to 5
Gx generator polynomial from a preset list
Puncturing pattern from a preset list

GMR-1 3G compatible
Built-in test tools: PRBS-11 test sequence generator, Bit Error Rate tester
VHDL source code included
Unlimited license to make and use. See the complete licensing terms at

This product was added to our catalog on Saturday 24 December, 2016.

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